Common Pitfalls of Making Ice Cream or Gelato from Scratch
While we truly appreciate the artistry involved in crafting ice cream or gelato from scratch, it’s essential to recognize the hurdles that come along with it. Our goal is to help you navigate these challenges so that you can thoughtfully weigh the pros and cons of sticking to a from-scratch approach versus embracing the convenience of starting with a high-quality pre-mix.
Let’s break down any ice cream or gelato mix into its basic components—sugars, nonfat milk solids, stabilizers and/or emulsifiers, fresh milk, cream, and potentially flavor. This is oversimplifying things since several sugars and/or nonfat milk solids go into a quality mix, but let’s keep it simple for now. Over 60% of any mix is fresh milk and cream, with the remaining 30-40% or so made up of “dry ingredients.”